Caribbean Cinemas
See all the latest Hollywood blockbusters in style with Caribbean Cinemas. Watch all your favourite big screen productions in up to date comfortable movie theatres. Most of the productions are aired in English meaning it is the perfect place for travellers to come and escape the Caribbean heat with some top notch entertainment. The latest smash hits are all here from romantic comedies to hardcore action movies. Get down here while you can as this is one of the most popular cinemas In Trinidad.
A great option if you want to treat a loved one is to buy them a gift certificate so they can see that long anticipated sequel, or you can also use it to stock up on popcorn and other concessions for the movie. The theatre is also fitted with 3D capability to give that extra realism to the awesome action sequences on-screen. The movie theatre is also wheelchair accessible.
Showing Times
Films are shown at various times everyday, see the website for more information.